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Die Mauer der Ideen

Visionen bewegen Teams vollenden

Wir wünschen uns, dass es viel mehr gesunde Organisationen gibt.

Zu viele Menschen verlieren ihre Motivation und brennen aus.

Zu viele Organisationen erreichen ihre Ziele nicht.

Zu oft wird mit hohen Idealen gestartet und am Ende ganz anderen Werten gedient.

Wir helfen Organisationen, ihre Werte und Prinzipien zu formulieren und zum Leben zu erwecken. Wir helfen dabei, schlagkräftige Teams zu formen und jeden einzelnen in der Organisation zu Höchstleistungen zu ermächtigen.

Wir bringen Freude und Erfüllung in Ihre Mitarbeiterschaft.

Um unseren Klienten auf dem Weg hin zu gesunden Organisationen zu helfen, verfügen wir nicht nur über ein sehr umfassendes Repertoire an Methoden und Angeboten, sondern bilden uns ständig weiter.

Hier ein Auszug, mit welchen Methoden und Angeboten wir Organisationen weiterentwickeln:


Als Moderatoren begleiten wir Ihren Workshop und helfen dabei, klare Ergebnisse zu erzielen und Themen für die Zukunft abzuleiten.


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Bearbeite den Text ganz individuell. Klicke hier, um loszulegen.


Bearbeite den Text ganz individuell. Klicke hier, um loszulegen.


Bearbeite den Text ganz individuell. Klicke hier, um loszulegen.


Bearbeite den Text ganz individuell. Klicke hier, um loszulegen.

The Working Genius model is personality and productivity.

People who know their genius are more fulfilled at work, more effective and can work in their team better.

Working Genius Certified Facilitators are trained to analyze the results and apply strategies to help persons and teams to use Working Genius to be more productive, more innovative and more effective.





The 6 Geniuses are:

Wonder / Invention / Discernment / Galvanizing / Enablement / Tenacity.

Every person has 2 Geniuses, two special talents, from which they draw joy and fulfillment, also energy. 


On the other hand, every person has 2 "working frustrations", those are qualities one might be performing in quite well, but using them costs us joy and energy and when using those frustration overly it might lead to burn-out.

In between, there are 2 "competencies". Those are talents we can use without significantly gaining or losing joy and energy. We might even be very good at them.

The model describes the special aspects of all 6 Geniuses, the interaction of the 2 "Working Geniuses" and the effect of the 2 "Working Frustrations". It becomes especially interesting when looking into the 15 combinations of geniuses because those lead to certain behaviors and issues, that can be beneficial or challenging for a team.

On top, the model brings helpful tools and a common language to improve teamwork and to understand each other better

This can help to grow deep understanding and trust in each other which is the fundamental requirement for healthy teams and organizations.

We love to visit your organization as facilitators and to rund a diagnostic with your team and draw a team analysis also working out strategies and methods for collaboration.

With that we can reach a maximum in joy and energy within the team and give fulfillment to each member of the team.

Download our brochure and learn more about Working Genius and how we can support you:

Das Talent des Grübelns

Der Grübler erkennt ungenutztes Potenzial oder Möglichkeiten und des Bedarfs an Verbesserungen oder Veränderungen

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The Working Genius model is personality and productivity.

People who know their genius are more fulfilled at work, more effective and can work in their team better.

Working Genius Certified Facilitators are trained to analyze the results and apply strategies to help persons and teams to use Working Genius to be more productive, more innovative and more effective.





The 6 Geniuses are:

Wonder / Invention / Discernment / Galvanizing / Enablement / Tenacity.

Every person has 2 Geniuses, two special talents, from which they draw joy and fulfillment, also energy. 


On the other hand, every person has 2 "working frustrations", those are qualities one might be performing in quite well, but using them costs us joy and energy and when using those frustration overly it might lead to burn-out.

In between, there are 2 "competencies". Those are talents we can use without significantly gaining or losing joy and energy. We might even be very good at them.

The model describes the special aspects of all 6 Geniuses, the interaction of the 2 "Working Geniuses" and the effect of the 2 "Working Frustrations". It becomes especially interesting when looking into the 15 combinations of geniuses because those lead to certain behaviors and issues, that can be beneficial or challenging for a team.

On top, the model brings helpful tools and a common language to improve teamwork and to understand each other better

This can help to grow deep understanding and trust in each other which is the fundamental requirement for healthy teams and organizations.

We love to visit your organization as facilitators and to rund a diagnostic with your team and draw a team analysis also working out strategies and methods for collaboration.

With that we can reach a maximum in joy and energy within the team and give fulfillment to each member of the team.

Download our brochure and learn more about Working Genius and how we can support you:

Discover Working Genius

Get in touch with us and we find out what your workshop could look like and what Ressources and activities should be planned.

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